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"목표를 낮추지 말고, 너의 한계를 업그레이드 시켜" 스노우볼^^


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아래 문장들은 조금씩 어색한 문장들입니다. 의미상 중복되는 단어가 들어가 있기 때문입니다. 아래에 중복되는 단어들은 괄호로 묶어 두었습니다. 괄호안에 있는 단어들은 Redundancy 들로서 생략되어야 합니다.

1. Either this (here) man or that (there) woman has (got) it.

2. Where is the fire (at)?

3. Did you sleep in church? Not that I know (of).

4. I never before (in my life) met (with) such a stupid man.

5. (For) why did he postpone it?

6. Because (why) he could not attend.

7. What age is he? (Why) I don’t know.

8. He called on me (for) to ask my opinion.

9. I don’t know where I am (at).

10. I looked in (at) the window.

11. I passed (by) the house.

12. He (always) came every Sunday.

13. Moreover, (also) we wish to say he was in error.

14. It is not long (ago) since he was here.

15. Two men went into the wood (in order) to cut (down) trees.

출처 : http://esltoeic.com/%EC%98%81%EC%96%B4-%EC%9E%91%EB%AC%B8%EC%8B%9C-%EC%9E%90%EC%A3%BC-%EC%8B%A4%EC%88%98%ED%95%98%EB%8A%94-redundancy-%ED%91%9C%ED%98%84-%EC%98%88-4_136/
