[단어,문법] 자료

비교급 정리

스노우볼^^ 2009. 11. 8. 15:07

1. -er, more, less, rather + than

2. -ior 시리즈 (prior, superior, junior, anterior, inferior, posterior, prefer) + to

3. as, so, tha same + as


4. rather than ≠more than

   = instead of ~ 대신에


5. 비교급 강조 : much, even, far, still, a lot, a little, any, slightly, a bit (o)

                   more, so, very, a lot of (x)


 6. at the latest 늦어도

    sooner or later 조만간

    no sooner A than B A하자마자 B하다

    as soon as possible 가능한 한 빨리

    as well as ~뿐만 아니라

    more and more 점점 더

    more or less 대략

    more often than not 대개, 대부분의 경우에 = most of the time

    would rather A than B A하느니 차라리 B하겠다

    had better ~하는게 낫다

    at least 적어도 = not less than

    no better than ~에 불과한

    no more than 단지 = only

    not less than 적어도 = at least

    not more than 기껏해야, 단지 = at most

    no later than 늦어도 ~까지는

    non the less 그럼에도 불구하고

    all the more 전보다 더

    much more ~는 물론이고 = still more

    much less ~는 고사하고 = still less

    without so much as ~조차도 없이


7. Tom is the brightest student

   = Tom is brighter than any other student

   = Tom is brighter than anyone else

   = No one is brighter than Tom

   = No one is as bright as Tom